With influencer marketing being a $13.8 billion industry, businesses out there are spending thousands of dollars each month on their influencer marketing campaigns. To help you gain insights into the standard market rates per post and/or per video, we’ve fetched some data from Influencer Marketing Hub:

 InstagramYouTube TikTok
Nano-Influencers$10 – $100$20 – $200$5 – $25
Micro-Influencers$100 – $500$200 – $1,000$25 – $125
Mid-Tier Influencers$500 – $5,000$1,000 – $10,000$125 – $1,250
Macro-Influencers$5,000- $10,000$10,000 – $20,000$1,250 – $2,500

Influencers with more than 50,000 followers are literally charging thousands of dollars per post or video. And with rising demand, these numbers are  predicted to skyrocket in the near future.

As an SMB business owner, we understand that you may not have such a gigantic-sized budget and may not really want to spend thousands of dollars per month towards influencer marketing.

That’s okay.

You don’t really need to allocate thousands of dollars to get influencers to promote your products or services on their social media handles. Instead, one great tactic that has worked wonders for some brands is product seeding.

What is Product Seeding in Influencer Marketing?

Product seeding is the strategic process of sending free gifts to influencers with whom brands would like to collaborate. When the influencers receive these gifts you’ll expect them to share their photos and experience while using your products on their social media profiles.

For example, if you run a travel bag store in California and would love to put your travel bags in front of people based in the United States, then rather than paying them just send free travel bags to the appropriate travel influencers. Now, when the travel influencers  receive these gifts they will most likely appreciate the gesture – which is why they’d be more than willing to share it with their followers or subscribers on their channels.

And that’s the beauty of product seeding.

Not only will product seeding help you save your top dollars, but it will do so without feeling forced. Here, you’re not paying influencers to promote your products. Instead, you’re just sending them a free gift and expecting them to promote it with their audience. And when they do promote it, it’ll feel authentic. But, since there may be a few of these influencers who will not decide to share their experience after receiving your gift you may want to send out a few more than initially planned

Without a doubt, product seeding is one of the top influencer marketing strategies that’ll save you thousands of dollars. But it must be done right. And we’d love nothing more than to help you with that.

From strategic planning to systematic implementation, we’ll help you run influencer product seeding promotions that deliver actual results.

So, what are you waiting for?

Reach out to our experts at MoreInfluence today!

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